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Forum - General Chat - PRFL Cup 2019
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Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

14.04.2019 15:03:09
  PRFL Cup 2019
Just checked up on the groups for the Cup this year and I think I had a mini heart attack. Group 14 definitely can be described as the GROUP OF DEATH!

Ferdel, Rainer-Zufall70, Chris, FUTCHIVAI, Maverick and myself in it, along with Magne (Rookie champion from last year), Sir Jhary on a fine looking budget and GlennL (who's had a solid start to the year). With only 3 places to go through, I'm preparing for carnage!


Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

13.10.2019 14:10:32
Roundup time for the round of 16 and looking ahead to the quarter finals (can't believe we're already that close to the end!)...

- We had a surprise result to kick things off, top seeded LorrieJen beaten by Alpha908, and by a good margin too (24 points). Great choices by Alpha908, whose team would have beaten almost any opponent in this round. There was no surprise exit for 8th seed, KatzevonSwish, as they comfortably defeated Tom Hewer. With a budget and ERS advantage, they'll be the favourite to advance, so we'll see if Alpha908 can spring yet another amazing result.

- Maverick scored a solid victory over Constable to move into the quarters. They'll face off against 5th seed, voimanen. Despite being seeded, they were the underdog in their match against Superviper, who had a 9m budget advantage on their side. Impressive victory for them to advance and I doubt Maverick will take them lightly. Maverick will be the favourite here due to both a budget and ERS advantage. Like with the match above, I'm just hoping for a clean, fair quarter final match-up.

- Into the bottom half and it was GaKra winning against 906BHP-ers, after a huge points score. They even managed a little ERS charge, which could help in future rounds. roger alford knocked out another seed (after victory against me in the last round), taking out #7 seeded JUSTIN BIEBER. Close match between them, with Verstappen's retirement proving pivotal, as it did in a fair few of the matches. Congrats to him for another great win and I'm sure he'll push GaKra hard too.

- Our final quarter final match-up will be Schumacher against Daijhi. Schumacher scored a narrow (and probably slightly nerve-wracking) win over ropagilax, but did manage to charge ERS, making them very dangerous in this late part of the competition. Daijhi resorted to a copy-ERS to beat malcdal (not an exact copy, but enough ERS used to mean they couldn't possibly lose). I think that choice will come back to bite them though, as they now come into a match with Schumacher, one of the toughest competitors on the site, down on both budget and ERS.

So, plenty of big names left in it, vying for a spot in the final four. I'd say each quarter final has someone I'd classify as a favourite, though with Ferrari being strong lately, nothing is guaranteed, as different tyre choices can cause big points swings. To those against known copy-ERSers, beware and play it smart (make late changes or keep a change back to react with if needed!).


Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

29.09.2019 17:40:09
Well, Russia proved a surprise race in terms of how it turned out, with Vettel's retirement and the Mercedes 1-2 causing plenty of shocks in the Cup. As a round-up and looking forward...

- Top seed, LorrieJen survived their match-up against 777, the Ferrari retirement being key here. I thought 777 was the strongest in this part of the draw, so something of an upset here (albeit not a huge one, as LorrieJen has also been strong all year). They meet Alpha908 next after they comfortably knocked out RockinFX. LorrieJen comes in with a 9m budget advantage but a slight ERS disadvantage, so it could be close.

- #8 seed, KatzevonSwish defeated Cavallino Rampante to advance. Both had low scores, though the retirements just hit Cavallino Rampante that bit harder. Their next opponent will be 9th seed, Tom Hewer, who took a narrow win against TekMonstre. Battle of the seeds, though with a budget advantage and ERS, KatzevonSwish should be the favourite here.

- The second quarter saw the first high seed fall, 4th seeded Hiensi losing to Maverick, whose score was the highest on the site. Proof they can perform well when forced away from a copy-ERS strategy and that they don't need to resort to that. We'll see how they approach their next match against 13th seed, Constable, who was able to defeat spystocks by 7 points.

- 5th seed, voimanen avoided the same fate as Hiensi and advanced with a solid with against Paperboy, who couldn't repeat their heroics from the wildcard round. Up next is Superviper, who again won thanks to a copy strategy of sorts against Allrace, due to Allrace taking a 1 point engine usage hit (older engine). Lots of people in the top half of the draw resorting to those tactics. Another seed falling in the form of #12, Allrace.

- Into the bottom half and the seeds continued to tumble, second seeded Daijhi2 losing by a single point against 906BHP-ers. Another victim of Vettel's retirement! Next up for them is GaKra, who scored a narrow win over basseck, the 15th seed. GaKra, your post sounded as if you thought you were out too, so you're probably a bit relieved to still be in it! Tough match up next, as both teams here are strong!

- #7 seed, JUSTIN BIEBER will be liking their part of the draw more now! A solid win against Mark Felts for them, plus me joining the list of seeds crashing out, roger alford winning there. Absolutely gutted by that and my quest for a third Cup win will have to wait.

- Into the final quarter and #3 seed, roi1975 is out too, narrowly beaten by ropagilax. Schumacher is next up for them, the #14 seed defeating Revolux to advance. I'd have to say, Schumacher looks very strong in this part of the draw, as they chase a first Cup win.

- #6 seed, malcdal took what I see as a surprise win over Giacomo, who'd looked so strong last time. 11th seed, Daijhi is next up for them, following a 9 point win over superdigger.

7 of the 16 seeds down and out already, including 3 of the top 4. Some really wide open parts of the draw, and a few favourites for the later stages emerging too!

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

29.09.2019 14:54:17
@Frosti I feel your pain... same for me. And also the end of my hopes in overall... Ferrari chassis and engine plus Abiteboul in my best team, Vettel, Binotto and Ferrari engine in second best...

Edit: Okay, sorry... I somehow managed to advance, but don't ask me how this is possible... Ferrari engine and Renault chassis against Honda engine and Red Bull chassis? Okay, it is also Wolff vs Binotto... but I didn't expect this, really. Phew, good that I only had one additional change left or I would have used one to get Binotto...
Some of biggest favourites didn't have so much luck, though. This shows how everything can happen in Cup and even big budget and lots of ERS can't always save you.
Sorry to see you're out as you are the master of the Cup for sure... 4 trophies in a row in last four years in a competition were one bad race is one bad race too much...

Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

29.09.2019 14:03:40
Crap, that Vettel retirement probably is the end of my Cup run. Damnit Ferrari!


Registriert: 22.02.2014
Nationalität: Italy
Beiträge: 8

28.09.2019 14:26:23
"Inefficient" ERS technique in previous round motivated by engine at 4/7 thus -1. Simply boosting ERS discharge to +2 would result in L if both Renault DNF. Overtake guaranteed W.

Clever gamesmanship by Schumacher this round by half setting line-up then adjusting to cover mine. Well played.

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

28.09.2019 11:45:55
@Carlisle Awesome recap and preview, as always. Thank you for doing this, I know it is a lot of work. But from now on amount of work will be cut in half after every race.

And yes, it was odd... I waited for AstonMartin to change their team, and when I saw they changed all their other teams but refused to change Cup one, I thought they are waiting for me, too, so I decided to hide my components. I then came back before the deadline to adapt ERS if necessary, but in the end decided to leave it the way it is. And I can say I'm glad I didn't risk anything there...
ERS was a difficult decision today again. I would have liked to use it all, but saw that a possible opponent in next round could be Daijhi2 who has ERS on maximum. Also I might need some help in case 900BHP-ers was my next opponent, as they showed a great performance last weekend, but I also don't want to lose my duel against basseck this weekend.

As for some of the questionable strategies, I think some players don't even realize they are in Cup and just treat their teams as a usual one, using ERS because they have it. As for Heinz Prueller, they were "dancing on two wedding parties", as we say, and the ideal strategy for the overall ranking might not be the ideal one for the cup, and they may have decided to concentrate on the main event. I agree with you this kind of elimination could have been avoided, but I think they will be even more dangerous in the overall ranking now. Budget situation could be better, but thanks to Albon that factor got a bit less important than usually.

Okay, bring on Sochi, and good luck everyone!


Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

24.09.2019 00:51:18
Thanks @GaKra. I was looking forward to a real battle between yourself and AstonMartin, so it was a shame they didn't update their team. Odd too, as they updated all their other ones!

Anyway, plenty to review in the knockout rounds (and plenty of surprise results, helped by the option tyres ending up best, despite many people thinking primes would be better!), as well as a lot to look forward to in the upcoming round!

- The first match was a tight one, with 777 beating ralf by 5 points, the difference being a correct qualifying prediction. 777 meets top seeded LorrieJen next, who may well regret not charging their ERS during their bye round. Budgets are close, though 777's 5m advantage could be key.

- A really strong score from Alpha908 saw them beat Margie Bell (who was the highest-ranked team to not win their group). Different tyre choices made up most of the difference in scores, though Margie getting that right wouldn't have been enough anyway. Alpha's reward is a match-up against #16 seed, RockinFX. Unlike the wildcard round, where Alpha had a budget disadvantage, they come into this next match with a significant advantage, making them favourite here.

- I said that Cavallino Rampante had a tough challenge against jobber2022497, but that an upset was possible, especially if jobber didn't update their team. Exactly that happened and Cavallino Rampante advances to battle #8 seed, KatzevonSwish, who charged up their ERS and has a huge budget. An upset here would be a real shock, and Cavallino Rampante will probably need to make their updates late to avoid a potential copy-ERS, which we've seen before from their opponent.

- After a really strong group performance, Ferdel was eliminated in the wildcard round by a strong performance from TekMonstre. A decent ERS discharge from Ferdel instead of a recharge would have changed the result, but their gamble to be in a strong position for the next round was understandable. It just didn't pay off this year. TekMonstre now faces Tom Hewer, the #9 seed in what could be one of the closest matches of the round. Just 1m between them in budget and neither has ERS to use!

- Into the second quarter, Maverick resorted to a copy-ERS to knock out Keke, despite having a 9m budget advantage to work with. I hope Keke comes back next year, even stronger. For Maverick, they already used copy-ERS in the group stages, so I'm not surprised by their choice of tactic (just disappointed). It could bite them next though, as their next opponent, #4 seeded Hiensi now has an ERS advantage. Hiensi is slightly down on budget, so I do expect a close fight. The winner here should be a major force in this part of the draw.

- spystocks vs am201020 was CLOSE to put it lightly. Both scored 128 points, meaning spystocks advanced due to a higher points total across the season. Brutally unlucky for am201020, who had been looking really strong through the group stages, but congrats to spystocks, who did well to overcome their budget disadvantage, while saving their ERS for later. Next up for them is the 13th seed, Constable. Similar budgets for the two, so we could have another close battle here!

- Paperboy vs katalyst was another close fight, with Paperboy getting a surprise victory (in my opinion, as katalyst has been really strong in recent years). Just a 3 point difference between them, with Paperboy getting 3 from a great fastest lap prediction and 10 points for qualifying predictions (vs 5 from katalyst). One wrong prediction and we would have had a different result in this one. The "prize" for Paperboy is a match against #5 seed, voimanen. Paperboy actually has a slight (1m) budget advantage, so this is another match without a real favourite.

- Rounding out the top half of the draw, Superviper overcame Heinz Prueller's site-topping team. I'm not sure what to think of the tactics on this one actually. Heinz Prueller set their team first and chose to recharge ERS. Superviper then copied their team with 16 seconds to go until the deadline and ended up winning due to not recharging! I'm not super-keen on it, though Heinz wasn't as defenseless as someone without ERS and could have punished them if they'd somehow spotted it and managed to change to a discharge in time! 12th seeded Allrace is next up, in a clash of two experienced, accomplished players. 10m budget advantage for Superviper, who will be favourite, though it'd be crazy to write-off the 2018 World Champion!

- The bottom half of the draw began with a big win for 900BHP-ers over dmvn04. Their score was one of the highest of the round and they'll prove a strong opponent for the second seed, Daijhi2. We have a classic ERS v budget battle here. Daijhi2 has a full ERS tank, but 900BHP-ers has a higher budget to try and offset it! Whoever wins will have a tough round afterwards too, in what is a particularly tricky part of the Cup draw.

- GaKra vs AstonMartin was next, though it wasn't quite as intense as I predicted, due to AstonMartin not updating their team (despite updating their other teams). Despite that, it was a close match, with GaKra winning by 4 points. Had they not predicted Albon correctly in qualifying and not used ERS, they would have lost by 6 points instead, so they may be feeling a bit relieved! They have a tough one up next though in the form of 15th seeded basseck, whose team has a dangerous 139m budget. Not a clue who'll win this one.

- I'd say Mark Felts's win over jules_ht was one of the biggest shocks of the round, as Mark had a budget disadvantage of a massive 20m. jules went for a little ERS charge (totally understandable, given who they'd face next) and went for prime tyres (as most people did), while Mark went for options and made some good choices with the budget they had. #7 seed, JUSTIN BIEBER is next up and has a 10m budget advantage AND a full ERS tank at their disposal. Big ask for Mark to win it, but they've proved they can cause an upset and will be gunning for a second!

- Another upset came from the match of Maxwell vs roger alford, as roger scraped out a win (by 1 point), despite a 12m budget disadvantage. The engine choice proved the key here, though I thought Perez retiring was going to give Maxwell the win. Super close one. I'm next up for roger and that may even seem like an easier match for them, as they're only down 8m on me for budget, though I do have ERS well-charged.

- Into the final quarter and it began with a solid win for ropagilax against rkhalili. The damage was done in qualifying here, with ropagilax scoring a huge 38 points and taking a 20 point advantage into the race. They ended up winning by that margin, with every part being a good choice except for their engine, which didn't matter in the end. 3rd seed, roi1975 is next and I'm surprised they chose not to charge ERS during their bye round, especially given how difficult their section of the draw is. They do have a 10m budget advantage, so will be favourite to advance.

- Revolux beat Margaret104 thanks to a slightly.... inefficient copy-ERS tactic. Different fastest lap predictions, though an overtake ERS discharge meant they couldn't lose. Revolux's team change was done well before the deadline, so Margaret could have made a change in time (though being US-based, I get why they didn't!). Seemed like a waste of ERS really by Revolux and they may pay for it, as they have Schumacher, the 14th seed, next. Both have 140m budgets, though Schumacher has a 5 point ERS advantage. After a fairly quiet 2018 by their standards, Schumacher is on fire in 2019 and I'm sure they are keen to try and add a PFRL Cup to their trophy cabinet.

- Giacomo set the highest score of the round to thrash imagedoctor (no other team would have been close either!). They chose a perfect team according to the team performance rating, so all I can do there is applaud. #6 seed, malcdal is next and their.... questionable choice of discharging ERS during their bye round may well hurt. 7m budget advantage and an ERS advantage for Giacomo, means they're looking strong.

- Finally (phew!), superdigger scored a good win against Alan Partridge, winning by 14 points despite a 3m budget disadvantage. #11 seeded Daijhi is next up and has a 9m budget advantage and 18 points of ERS, so will be a heavy favourite to advance here.

All it takes is one bad retirement to cause an upset though, so I doubt there will be any complacency from any of the "favourites". No long break to think about team choices etc, as the next race is just days away!

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

23.09.2019 10:58:20
@CarlisleFrost Awesome as always, thank you. I only reply now so your comment would remain on front page til now. Already looking forward to the next one. And of course I'm glad I will still be part of it, even though it got pretty tight, despite an opponent who remained passive.


Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

15.09.2019 17:39:39
Slightly late wrap-up of the group stages thanks to a manic week! I'm glad there was a 2 week gap between the races!

GROUP 1: Wins for Hiensi (won the group), GaKra Motors and spystocks meant they retained their places in the top 3, giving the chasing pack no chance of closing the gap. Amazing that GaKra ends with 9 wins and just 1 loss, but ended second, as that would have won almost any group.

GROUP 2: Tom Hewer's win in the final round secured top spot in the group, with ropagilax winning to keep second place. MCM's defeat against spystocks meant that Heinz Prueller took the third and final spot to get through, meaning the #1 team on the site lives on to the knock-out rounds!

GROUP 3: Like group 1, there were no changes for the top 3 here. Daijhi took the group, with a loss in the final round having no impact. Strong wins for Maxwell and 900BHP-ers saw them finish second and third respectively, both likely to be dangerous opponents for who they face next!

GROUP 4: roi1975's strong win in the final round saw them take the group. Margie Bell ended in second with an impressive 9 wins and 1 loss (9 wins in a row after losing their opening round!), and Alpha908 winning their final match to secure third place. 4th and 5th placed Nicolaas on Wheels and Dave Ardron both won, but didn't get the slip up from Alpha that they needed!

GROUP 5: imagedoctor's final round loss to Keke meant that they slipped from first place, with Schumacher taking it at the death, following a strong run-in. roger alford ended the group stages with a win, in third and comfortably clear of the chasing pack.

GROUP 6: Group 6 probably had the most exciting final rounds, given how close things were and how many players were in contention both to qualify and to win the group. All the top 5 rounded things out with wins, with the top 4 all ending with records of 7 wins and 3 losses, meaning things came down to total points! basseck held on to first place and Keke in second, a fair way behind points-wise. A low race score from L-Master Esq saw them agonisingly slip from third to fourth, overtaken by katalyst, whose huge final round score saw them take the final qualifying spot. The lack of a loss from the top 4 meant Hugo's final round victory was in vain, but ended a strong group campaign from them.

GROUP 7: Needing just a draw to top the group, JUSTIN BIEBER did just that after an... unusual match with group 8 leader, Daijhi2, which saw copied teams, penalties for extra changes, and max ERS recharges for both. jobber2022497 and dmvn04 were safely through before the final round. Despite both ended with losses, dmvn's higher score saw them take second place from jobber, with 2018 finalist invisibleracer finishing just short in fourth place.

GROUP 8: Daijhi2 was in a similar position to JUSTIN BIEBER, though like in group 7, the chasing pack slipping up meant their final result didn't matter. am201020 finished second, with Margaret104 ending with a win to hold on to third place.

GROUP 9: RockinFX was guaranteed first place coming into the final round, with the battle being for the final two places. Wins for ralf and AstonMartin saw them keep second and third respectively, with their nearest challengers losing their matches.

GROUP 10: A win for KatzevonSwish saw them hold off the challenges from jules_ht and rkhalili to take top spot in the group, with jules and rkhalili finishing second and third respectively. Wins for Futchi, Alan_T_Riley and Peter Daniel were in vain, with all three finishing painfully close, but just short of getting through.

GROUP 11: Group 11 saw a change at the top in the final round! A loss for group leader, Paperboy and a win for second-placed Constable saw them change places, Constable ending as group winner. An impressive win for Giacomo saw them hold on to third, a win ahead of defcon1racing and C Heath, who both ended their campaigns with victories.

GROUP 12: voimanen's 9 wins from 9 meant they were guaranteed top spot coming into the last round. A loss to C Heath meant their perfect run was over, but they probably wouldn't have minded! Superviper's win sealed second place, with TekMonstre also winning and ending up in third.

GROUP 13: LorrieJen had sealed first place with a round to go, but ended with a win anyway, defeating Rainer-Zufall70. Revolux ended up second after a strong win against Chris, with Alan Partridge holding onto third thanks to a win against Sir Jhary.

GROUP 14: No changes or surprises to end the "Group of Death", with wins for myself (a tight one over mlagadms), Ferdel (a VERY narrow win over Scooperman) and Maverick (more comfortable against agracer) meaning we finished in that order. Strong finish for FUTCHIVAI in fourth (four wins in a row), GlennL ending a respectable 5th, and Chris slipping to 6th, as the difficult final rounds took their toll.

GROUP 15: A narrow win for malcdal sealed top spot for them, with Cavallino Rampante staying in second, despite a loss against promotion-chasing Energie. With fourth placed Matt Burrows losing, Mark Felts was safe in third, but they rounded out their group campaign with a strong win anyway.

GROUP 16: The final group saw a change at the top after the final round. superdigger's loss against malcdal, combined with a win for Allrace against Tiptom meant that Allrace took the group win, avoiding the wildcard round. A win for 777 against Matt Burrows meant that they held on to the final qualifying place, with Energie and Flavio both winning, but ending up just short.

Congrats to those who've survived to the knock-out rounds and to those who missed out, I hope to see you back fighting in the Cup next year!


Looking ahead to the knock-out rounds, we have plenty of big clashes coming up. As a quick-ish overview...

- ralf faces off against 777 in a battle of two non-ERS teams. 777 has the largest budget of all the remaining teams, so ralf has a real challenge on their hands! The winner will face top seed, LorrieJen next.

- Margie Bell, who was so strong in the groups comes up against Alpha908. Margie has a budget advantage, though Alpha does have a few points of ERS at their disposal, so tough to pick a favourite here. The prize for the winner is a match with #16 seed, RockinFX in the next round.

- Cavallino Rampate has one of the bigger challenges against jobber2022497, as jobber has a 13m budget advantage and 14 points of ERS. An upset could still be on though, particularly as jobber hasn't changed their team in a few rounds. #8 seed, KatzevonSwish will be a TOUGH opponent for whoever gets through.

- Ferdel faces off against TekMonstre in the final match of the top quarter of the draw. Both are close on budget, though Ferdel has an advantage ERS-wise, which could prove key. 9th seeded Tom Hewer awaits the winner.

- Into the second quarter of the draw, we have a blockbuster match in terms of the participants. Keke takes on Maverick, with the latter being a favourite thanks to a budget and ERS advantage, as Keke had to work hard to survive their group. Singapore is rarely a straightforward race though! 4th seed, Hiensi will face the winner.

- am201020 faces spystocks in the next match and it looks like another close one. am201020 has a budget advantage, but spystocks comes in with ERS, which could offset it. 13th seeded Constable will be next up for the victor.

- Paperboy, who just missed out on winning their group has a very tough fight against katalyst, who has a few points of ERS and a strong budget. voimanen, the 5th seed will be the opponent for the winner.

- Rounding out the second quarter we have Superviper taking on Heinz Prueller, who narrowly (but deservingly, given their amazing overall score!) got through their group. Tough one again, with Heinz Prueller having 9 points of ERS, but Superviper having a 9m higher budget. 12th seeded Allrace will battle the winner in what will be a high-profile next match, whoever wins in the wildcard round.

- dmvn04 battles 906BHP-ers at the top of the third quarter of the draw, and it is another budget vs ERS battle (dmvn04 having ERS, but 906BHP-ers having a higher budget). #2 seed, Daijhi will be next up and will be a tough foe, as they're likely to come in with a full ERS tank.

- I'd say this match-up will be one of the highlights of the wildcard round, with two veterans of the site clashing. GaKra Motors plays AstonMartin, both having budgets over 130m and both with solid amounts of ERS. A tricky match-up with #13 seed, basseck awaits, so it'll be tough balancing their current match and being in good shape for that!

- jules_ht faces Mark Felts next, with jules coming in with a huge (20m) budget advantage and a few extra points of ERS. JUSTIN BIEBER, the #7 seed is next up for the winner and I expect they'll have a full ERS tank to use, making them very dangerous.

- Maxwell v roger alford completes the third quarter. Neither has ERS, with Maxwell having a 12m budget advantage (one of the highest budgets in the competition). The winner will have me (#10 seed) up next!

- The final quarter begins with ropagilax and rkhalili. Budgets are very close, so rkhalili's ERS could help them out, though they'll be mindful of #3 seeded, roi1975 up next, who'd be a big challenge for whoever wins!

- A big one next up, as Revolux faces Margaret104. Tough for Margaret, due to a budget disadvantage and Revolux having almost a full ERS tank. Schumacher, the 14th seed is next up, making this a really challenging part of the draw!

- The penultimate wildcard match has imagedoctor against Giacomo. Giacomo does have budget and ERS on their side, but neither is a huge advantage. #6 seed, malcdal is next up for the victor.

- Finally, we have superdigger vs Alan Partridge. Neither has ERS and budgets are tight (3m advantage for Alan Partridge), while #11 seed, Daijhi will face the winner.

That's a wrap! Bring on Singapore and let the knock-out rounds begin!

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

03.09.2019 17:56:22
What a monumental post... thank you, CarlisleFrost! I really like what you do here... much more than when you beat me at Tina Maze Fans league.

There are lots of interesting things to see in other groups that most of us probably would have missed.

My situation is quite tricky now. I recharged ERS up to 9 so that in case Hiensi had secured the group in round 10 I would still have had the chance to recharge ERS to maximum in round 11. Now even though I expect them to win their last game, I sure don't want to end up losing because of recharging ERS in case they lose their game, too. So I will have to think about what to do. Maybe I could recharge ERS to 15 to have all options... including overtake button in case I remain second and get a very strong opponent in first knockout round. But we will see what my opponent, Hiensi and their opponent will do, and maybe this will help with decision.


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