R03: Suzuka, Japan
00 00 00 00
PureFantasyF1.net - Rules
2. Leagues and Race series
2.1. Official PFF1 Leagues:
2.1.1. PFF1 Champions Racing League (CRL):
Qualified is one team of each team owner who has a team which is classified at position 1 at the end of the last season in a race series or an Official PFF1 League. The National Champions are also qualified. All previous PFF1 World Champions and Champions Racing League winners are awarded with a Wildcard.

After the 6th race of the season the PFF1 Champions Racing League is converted to a race series and the teams are ranked according to the race series scoring system. All teams which are not qualified are transferred to the PFF1 Professional League.
2.1.2. PFF1 Cup:
Qualified is one team of each team owner, who has a team which is classified at position 2 or 3 at the end of the last season in a race series or at position 2, 3, 4, 5 in an Official PFF1 League (Exception: The best 4 teams in the PFF1 Cup are qualified). Team owner, who are qualified only for the PFF1 Champions Racing League, are able to decide to take part either in the Cup or in the CRL. All previous PFF1 World Champions and CUP winners are awarded with a Wildcard.

Competition format:
The best 96 teams after race 3 are qualified for the group stage. The teams are split up in 16 groups. From race 4 to 16 an all-play-all tournament (13 rounds) takes place.

In groups with odd-numbered members in each round, one team gets a bye. If more rounds are held, as opponents are available in the own group, the remaining match-ups are done against opponents of another group (group 1 vs. group 2, group 3 vs. group 4, etc.).

The group leaders after race 16 are qualified for the 1/16-finals and get a free round in race 17. The 2nd and 3rd placed teams in the groups compete for the remaining 16 places in the Wildcard round. The 48 teams play-off starts after race 16 with the Wildcard round.

During group stage: The ranking within the groups is according to the number of match-up victories. In the case of an equal number of victories (and ties) the team with the higher total score is in front. A tie is a possible result in a match-up.

During the play-offs: If two teams have the same race score in a match-up, the team with the higher total score is promoted to the next round. In the case of an equal total scores, the lower seeded team gets ahead.

After the group stage: The dropped out teams are listed on the table 'Ranking'. The loser teams of each play-off round are added also to the table. At the end of the season the first 4 positions are reserved for the Cup winner, the Cup runner-up and the two Cup semi-finalists. All of the other teams play for the Cup Qualifying positions 5 to 9. These teams are ranked according to the overall scores.
2.1.3. PFF1 Professional League:
Qualified is one team of each team owner, who is in the competition for more than one season and is not qualified for the PFF1 Champions Racing League or the PFF1 Cup.
But the team owner are able to apply for a wildcard for the PFF1 Cup. The number of available wildcards depend on the active directly qualified teams. After race 3 the available wildcards are awarded according to the ranking in the PFF1 Professional League.
2.1.4. PFF1 Rookie League:
Qualified is one team of a rookie player in the current season.
2.2. Leagues and Race Series:
Each team owner is able to create up to 3 leagues by choosing one of the 3 different types. When the number of members of a public or private league comes up to 20, the league is converted into a race series (limited number of participants). An unlimited number of participants is possible with an individual private league.

Remark: It is possible to join or leave a league until 4 races before the end of the season.

Race results: The teams are ranked according to their points scored in the race. If teams have an equal score, the team which has been changed earlier is ranked in front. Teams which remain unchanged prior to a race (Guessing the Qualifying positions or the fastest lap time count as a change) are ranked behind other teams with an equal score.

Total score (except race series): The teams are ranked according to their total score. If teams have an equal score, the team with the lower race position index is in front. The race position index is the average of all race positions in a season (the better the race positions, the lower the index).
2.2.1. Public League:
A league created by a team owner which can be joined by everyone. In this league up to 2 teams per team owner are possible. The public league changes into a race series automatically when the number of members comes up to 20.
2.2.2. Private League (limited number of participants):
A league created by a team owner which can be joined by competitors who know the league password. In this league up to 2 teams per team owner are possible. The private league changes into a race series automatically when the number of members comes up to 20.

Option 'Let fill up league with guest teams automatically':
If this option is activated by the league owner, the Private League is filled up with guest teams automatically after the database closing time during a race weekend (as long as enough teams without league assignment are available). Guest teams are marked with a gray highlighted 'G' left beside the team name in the league tables.
This option should be activated if a league owner wants to run a private race series, but is not able to mobilize enough contenders.
2.2.3. Individual Private League (unlimited number of participants):
A league created by a team owner which can be joined by competitors who know the league password. The league owner of this league type is able to determine how many teams per team owner are allowed and is able to activate an additional league cup. The league cup is a play-off for the best 8 teams after the 4th to last race of the season. Like in the official PFF1 Cup the qualified teams play against each other in knockout duels resulting in a league cup winner at the end of the season.

The league cup is running additionally and has no influence on the main league competition. Big leagues obtain an additional PFF1 Cup qualifying place for its members in the case of an activated league cup feature.

When at least 20 teams and at least 10 team owner participating in this league type, it is possible to qualify for the PFF1 Champions Racing League or the PFF1 Cup.
2.2.4. League with 2 divisions (Additional option for Private and Individual Private League):
A team owner is able to create one Private or Individual Private League with 2 divisions. The best teams of the 2nd division are promoted to the 1st division in the next season. The last placed teams of the 1st division are relegated to the 2nd division. The number of teams facing relegation or promotion can be determined by the league owner (1 ... 10).

The total number of teams in the 1st division of an Individual Private League is defined by the league owner. The number of league members in the 2nd division of an Individual Private League is unlimited. Teams of both divisions are able to qualify for the PFF1 Champions Racing League or for the PFF1 Cup, if the league meets the necessary criteria (at least 20 teams and 10 team owner).

Guest teams won't be able to promote or relegate in leagues with 2 divisions.
2.2.5. Race Series:
After a public or private league changes into a race series, it won't be possible to leave or join this race series anymore. Teams which are not a member of a league prior to a race (after the database is closed) are automatically assigned to leagues to get as many as possible race series.

The teams are ranked within a race series according to special race series points. The following 4 scoring systems are available:

- Official scoring system since 2010: 25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1 (default)
- Historical scoring system 2003 - 2009: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Historical scoring system 1991 - 2002: 10-6-4-3-2-1
- Historical scoring system 1961 - 1990: 9-6-4-3-2-1

  Race series: available scoring systems
Ranking Official since 2010 Historical 2003-2009 Historical 1991-2002 Historical 1961-1990
1. 25 10 10 9
2. 18 8 6 6
3. 15 6 4 4
4. 12 5 3 3
5. 10 4 2 2
6. 8 3 1 1
7. 6 2 0 0
8. 4 1 0 0
9. 2 0 0 0
10. 1 0 0 0
  Bonus point for the fastest race lap:
Ranking Bonus points for the Sprint (based on the Race series Qualifying result):
1. 8
2. 7      
3. 6      
4. 5      
5. 4      
6. 3      
7. 2      
8. 1      

If teams have an equal amount of race series points, the team with the higher total score is ranked in front. If two teams have the same race series points and total score, the team with the lower race series position index is in front. The race series position index is the average of all race series race positions in a season (the better the race positions in the race series, the lower the index).

The winner of a race series is qualified for the PFF1 Champions Racing League in the next season. Team owner who win at least two race series or finish with teams at position 2 or 3 in one race series are qualified for the PFF1 Cup in the next season.

Within a race series also a Constructors Championship is available. For team owner with 2 teams the race series points of both teams are added together. A team owner with just one team is able to agree to a partnership with another team owner and take part together with him in the Constructors Championship.

97 Race 3  022
3823 (403) Suzuka, Japan (4.4.2025-6.4.2025) 414

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